Analytic Innovations for Population Health and Risk Contracting

Explore with digital simulations
Invest in data quality
Develop a data and analytics strategy
Persuade with models
Develop analytic talent

We founded Reward Health because we were frustrated by the sorry state of health care analytics.  Even sophisticated organizations are struggling to make sense of bad data, bored with repetitive canned reports and starved for actionable insights, even after repeatedly investing in analytic technologies. We have succeeded where larger technology-centric vendors have failed by providing analytic innovations informed by years of experience working in and with health care organizations and health plans.

How Can We Help You?

Our experience enables us to build informed, enthusiastic support by business, clinical and IT leaders for investments in people, process and technology to drive success in population health and risk contracting.  The resulting strategy includes vision, approach, architecture, governance, budget, timeline and metrics.

We believe in the value of persistent investment in good data. We provide innovative cloud-based tools for securely sharing data across organizations, structuring and enriching data and measuring both obvious and subtle dimensions of data quality. We help clients get more useful data from payers in risk contracting arrangements through contractually-enforceable standards. Our clients are rewarded with a strong data foundation for analytics, population health and contract administration.

Too much hope has been placed in reports and dashboards that summarize the past. We believe that the most valuable analytics come from models that use data to project future outcomes for multiple decision alternatives and scenarios.  We start by clarifying decision alternatives and work back to the models needed to make the most persuasive case for the optimal alternative.

Population health (including pandemic response) and risk contracting are highly complex processes, where many pre-existing factors and policy decisions can interact dynamically to create unexpected outcomes. We use digital simulations to allow leaders to explore many scenarios and tame this complexity, so tough choices can be made more confidently.

Too many vendors focus on selling shiny-object technologies, claiming they will magically deliver insights.   Our experience is that the best analytics come from the best analysts. Although we provide analytic technology and services to our clients, our biggest long-term contribution is to help them recruit, develop and empower highly effective internal analytic talent. We strengthen our clients’ internal analytic teams and provide analytic innovations they can use to directly query good data and access useful models and simulations to empower analysts to tell stories with data that are both true and influential.

Are You Our Ideal Client?

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • VP Payer Strategy and Contracting
  • Chief Medical Officer
  • Chief Analytics Officer
  • Chief Medical Informatics Officer
  • Chief Strategy Officer
  • Regional Health System
  • Academic Medical Center
  • National Health Care Organization
  • Multi-specialty Group Practice
  • Health Insurer
  • Medicare Advantage Plan
  • Managed Medicaid Plan
  • Accountable Care Organization
  • Clinically Integrated Network
  • State or Provincial Department of Public Health
  • County Government addressing Pandemic or Social Programs
  • Health Information Exchange

Our Qualifications

We bring to bear training and experience in medicine and business administration, and a track record of success in the key disciplines that are needed to support population health and risk-based contracting:

  • Data and analytics
  • Health care information technology and medical informatics
  • Care management and clinical process improvement
  • Measurement of quality, outcomes and efficiency
  • Clinical practice guidelines and protocols
  • Healthcare finance and economics

Let's Get Started

Please explore this web site to get ideas and a deeper understanding of our approach and capabilities

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Most importantly, we hope to have a conversation about your goals, and how Reward Health Sciences may be able to partner with you to accomplish them.

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